
"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."

-Paulo Coelho

Photos by Claire Giordano


I am a recent graduate of the University of Maine, where I majored in Earth & Climate Sciences with a concentration in Geology and a minor in Astronomy.

The joy found in connections between course concepts and knowledge gained in the field is unmatched. Studying Earth & Climate Sciences and Astronomy enabled me to apply methodologies utilized in better understanding the Earth to other planets both within and outside our Solar System. While in ERS 425 (How to Build a Habitable Planet), I connected what I learned about the proliferation of life on Earth and Earth's paleoclimate to my internship research in the JWST Program Office at NASA Headquarters for my final project in the course. In doing so, I was able to relate stellar variability to potential planetary habitability -- a key piece to fulfilling Astro2020 recommendations for the Habitable Worlds Observatory.

While course emphasis is on Geology, Astronomy, and Physics, I have taken writing and public speaking courses, too. I believe the ability to communicate science is as important, if not more so, than the science itself. 

I have served as a Maine Learning Assistant and Teaching Assistant for the AST 109: Introduction to Astronomy course and the corresponding lab section (AST 110: Introduction to Astronomy lab). I was nominated for Undergraduate Student Employee of the Year for the 2020-2021 Academic Year for my work as a TA during online instruction as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Academic-related Employment

Maine Learning Assistant (MLA)

UMaine Dept. of Physics

Spring semesters 2019, 2020, 2021

In this role I aided in the facilitation of the "flipped-classroom" method by working closely with ~60-70 students during class time, helping the professor prepare for each lesson, and through coordinating and facilitating exam review sessions.

Undergraduate Teaching Assistant

UMaine Dept. of Physics

Spring 2019 (lab), Fall 2020 (lecture)

In this role I managed auxiliary course operations in the virtual lecture format by maintaining records for ~200 students,  facilitating in-class discussion in the virtual space, and acting as an intermediary between students and course faculty. For the lab section, I assisted the graduate TAs with telescopic operations and in grading lab reports.

★ Nominated for Undergraduate Student Employee of the Year, AY 2020-2021

Planetarium Show Presenter

Versant Power Astronomy Center

Aug 2018 - Jul 2021

As a planetarium programming presenter I hosted shows for both youth and general audiences, which utilized an understanding of current events in astronomy, constellations, and the night sky. I also coordinated private and school group events at the planetarium.

Notable Coursework by Subject


AST 227: Stars and Galaxies (Spring 2021)

AST 221: Planetary Systems (Spring 2020)

AST 109: Introduction to Astronomy (Fall 2018)

AST 110: Introduction to Astronomy Lab (Fall 2018)

Core Geology

ERS 316: Structural Geology (Fall 2023)

ERS 321: Problems in Geology - Quaternary Stratigraphy (Fall 2023)

ERS 312: Geochemistry (Spring 2023)

ERS 410: Sea-to-Sky Experience (Spring 2023, May 2023)

ERS 330: Earth Materials (Spring 2022)

ERS 317: Introduction to Geophysics (Spring 2020)

Elective Geology

ERS 320: Extreme Weather (Spring 2024)

ERS 240: The Atmosphere (Spring 2023)

ERS 425: How to Build a Habitable Planet (Fall 2022)

ERS 319: Geohazards & Humans (Spring 2021)


ERS 320: Research Seminar in Earth & Climate Science (Fall 2022)

CMJ 103: Public Speaking (Spring 2022)


PHY 223: Special Relativity (Spring 2023)

PHY 236: Introduction to Quantum Physics (Fall 2022)

PHY 122: Physics II (Spring 2019)

PHY 121: Physics I (Fall 2018)


MAT 228: Calculus III (Fall 2020)

MAT 127: Calculus II (Spring 2020)

MAT 126: Calculus I (Fall 2018)

Noteworthy Course Outputs

ERS 317 Final Paper

Potential for a Seismic Catastrophe in the North Anatolian Fault in the 21st Century

ERS 317 (Geophysics) final paper, Spring 2020

ers 330 posters.pdf

Earth's Materials: Rocks, Minerals, and Where to Find Them

ERS 330 (Earth Materials) final poster, Spring 2022

Impacts of stellar variability on planetary habitability

Impacts of Stellar Variability on Planetary Habitability

ERS 425 (How to Build a Habitable Planet) final project, Fall 2022

Assessing water level change of Lake Mead, 1995 - 2022

Assessing Water Level Change of Lake Mead, 1995 - 2022

ERS 200 (Earth Systems) final paper, Fall 2022